Aphantasia as blindsight of the mind’s eye
Where we explore the possibility that aphantasia is unconscious mental imagery. Given aphantasics’ high performance, we propose thinking about aphantasia as access consciousness without phenomenal consciousness—which we call ‘blank access’.
VSS 2024
The lab went to VSS 2024 where Dillon (postdoc) and Michael (grad student) shared their awesome research. We had some fun too!
Jorge was interviewed by the editorial board of Stance—an international undergraduate philosophy journal. He was honored to be the journal’s 2024 interviewee, and feels grateful for the close reading of his work by the students.

RISE Poster Presentation
Morgan (right) successfully presenting his research poster on mental imagery and pupillometry at Northeastern’s RISE undergraduate conference. Morgan’s mentor and lab’s grad student, Michael (left), providing moral support.
Shivani wins Steven Bailey Computer Science Award!
Congratulations to our lab’s intern, Shivani Manikandan, who won the Steven Bailey Computer Science award for being the top Computer Science student at the Princeton Day School. Shivani is now heading to Vanderbilt where she’ll pursue a CS degree!
Neuroscience of Consciousness
Wayne Wu and Jorge Morales have a newly updated entry in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy on the Neuroscience of Consciousness!
NSF GRFP Honorable Mention
Congratulations to grad student Michael McPhee who was recognized with honorable mention in the 2024 NSF GRFP national competition. Congratulations, Michael, for your excellent and promising work!
Misinformation & Metacognition
Republicans are worse than Democrats discriminating false from truth news headlines. They are also more biased: they tend to think Republican-favoring news are true and Democrat-damaging news are false. However, in a new paper out at Communications Psychology, we discovered that metacognitive insight is matched for both groups: Democrats know they are better; Republicans know they are worse.
Mental Strength
A new paper is out in the 2023 issue of Philosophical Perspectives! The paper presents a framework for understanding the intensity of conscious experiences. Mental strength is the phenomenal magnitud present in all conscious states. It explains the state’s intensity and how our conscious minds self-structure. The paper traces back the origins of mental strength to Hume, Kant and James, and it shows how it can help us better understand the conscious mind. You can read a tweetprint or a blueprint (!), or click below to download the article.
Windows into the mind
We decided to take a break from science and explore our artistic side. Inspired by a recent pupillometry project, we used macro photography to shot close-ups of eyes. Lab members and friends from other labs in the department served as models.
ASSC 26 in NYC
The lab went to NYC to attend the 26th meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC). Krissy presented a poster about her project on training metacognition. Jorge gave a talk as part of the symposium “Broad-spectrum introspection” he organized. The symposium discussed the importance of expanding the study of introspection and metacognition to more domains beyond vision and memory. Jorge also had a chance to talk at a career panel. We all had a lot of fun!
Mental imagery & aphantasia
Blog post
Scientists have thought for some time that mental imagery is crucial for performing certain tasks such as mental rotation. In this blog post in The Junkyard of the Mind, Jorge explores some of the challenges that aphantasia—the lack of mental imagery—offer against this hypothesis of the functions of mental imagery and consciousness in general.
Philosophers @ VSS
Philosophers crashed vision science’s greatest party (a.k.a. VSS) for the third iteration of PhiVis. With talks on feature binding, perception of social features and attention, philosophers Jake Quilty-Dunn, Madeleine Ransom and Wayne Wu gave fantastic talks to a packed room. Comments by vision scientists came from Yaoda Wu, Isabel Gauthier and Ruth Rosenholtz. Jorge had a blast chairing the session.
Philosophy in the laboratory!
New paper out in Current Directions in Psychological Science! In “Philosophy of Perception in the Psychologist’s Laboratory”, we discuss an exciting recent trend in perception science: taking philosophical thought experiments seriously and putting them to empirical test. We review several case studies: Molyneux’s question? Check! Hume’s problem of the perception of causality? Check! The famous tilted coin problem? Check! Ryle’s speckled hen? Check!

Congratulations Saurish!
Congratulations to our RA extraordinaire, Saurish Srivasatava, who has been recognized by the Society for Science—the oldest & most prestigious science competition for high schoolers in the US—as a top 300 Regeneron Science Talent Search (STS) 2023 scholar! Previous STS winners went to win Nobel Prizes, Fields Medals, MacArthur Fellowships and more. We can’t wait to see what other great things Saurish will accomplish…once he starts college!
Mental rotation
New dispatch in Current Biology! Mental rotation is thought to require visualization of objects in 3D space. We discuss Stewart et al.’s groundbreaking results showing computations on 2D proximal stimuli—rather than 3D object representations in the mind’s eye—play a crucial role in mental rotation.

The lab at OPAM 2022
The lab’s first conference!
The Subjectivity Lab will attend its first conference this November—OPAM 2022—right here in Boston! Saurish Srivastava, our amazing high school research assistant, will be presenting his project “Scant Evidence for Domain-General Metacognition”. Saurish used his Python wizardry to ask a fundamental question: Are metacognitive mechanisms domain-general? To answer this question, he analyze hundreds of subjects’ data from the Confidence database, and the answer we found was: No, there’s little evidence for metacognitive domain-generality. Congrats Saurish!

Congratulations Krissy!
Congratulations to our wonderful Research Program Coordinator, Krissy Kilgallen, for winning an Avrom Aaron Leve Award in recognition of her academic performance and of her research during her time as an undergraduate in the Psychology Department at Northeastern. Well done Krissy!
The lab grows!
We are thrilled to announce that this fall 2022 Michael McPhee will join the lab to pursue his PhD, and Dillon Plunkett will join us as a postdoctoral researcher. Michael is the current lab manager at the Ripollés Lab at NYU, and he is interested in consciousness, attention and metacognition. Dillon is finishing his PhD in Josh Green’s Lab at Harvard University, and he’s interested in questions about consciousness and representational format. We couldn’t be happier to welcome Michael and Dillon!

Crossroads of Ideas: Big Questions
Public Lecture & Dialogue
Jorge participated in Crossroads of Ideas, a public lecture series at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. As part of their Big Questions Series, Jorge’s public lecture discussed challenges and opportunities for the scientific study of consciousness. The talk was followed by a conversation with neuroscientist Yuri Saalmann moderated by Wisconsin Public Radio producer Steve Paulson.
Metacognition in Glass
London-based artist Cathryn Shilling took the fMRI images from our Journal of Neuroscience metacognition paper and created a splendid art installation.
Vision Science Meets Philosophy
Forbes, Nautilus, Publico and the science podcast The Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe, among other venues, featured our PNAS paper in which we use vision science to address a centuries-old philosophical problem on the representation of perspectival shapes. Bonus: MC Hammer (yes, really!) tweeted out our paper too!
Philosophy of Perception in the Lab
Jorge contributed to the Brains Blog’s Cognitive Science and Philosophy Symposium with a post titled “Philosophy of Perception in the Laboratory”.
Dialogue on the Science of Subjectivity
Elizabeth Fernandez—host of the science and society podcast Spark Dialogue—talked to Jorge about the philosophy and science of subjectivity and how our brains help us see the world around us.
The Prefrontal Cortex & Consciousness
The Brains Blog and the journal Mind & Language organized a symposium on Jorge’s and his collaborator Matthias Michel’s article “Minority Reports: Consciousness and the Prefrontal Cortex” with commentaries by cognitive scientists and philosophers.